Nail head pins are often used to connect multiple boards together in a through hole fashion. For these applications, the head of the pin is positioned at the top of the tape pocket where it is available to be picked up by the vacuum nozzle and delivered to the board.
A requested pocket design for Mill-Max nail-head pin from a UK military customer. The pin is thin and long, if a normal design method - making a cavity for this pin directly, the pocket will be easily bended even broke off when tape and reel. Ultimately, the tape was unusable even though it met all specifications.
Sinho reviewed the problem and developed a new custom design for it. Adding one extra pocket on the left and right sides, then these two pockets are able to protect the centre pin well, to avoid the possible damages during packing and shipping. Prototypes were manufactured, shipped and approved by the end user. Sinho went into production and provided this carrier tape for our customer stably to date.
Post time: Jun-27-2023